Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thoughts on research process

Sprawling through google scholar I found it hard to find a journal site with unlimited access. this brought back some flashbacks of undergraduate study with hazes of proquest and emerald. So I went to these websites but found them hard to use as I wasnt registered (I think Otago had an account we could use, Is hould check if NMIT has similar).

In short, finding resources isn't as easy as it should be!!

Assignment 1 write up

E-Commerce Technology Adoption Framework by New Zealand

Small to Medium Size Enterprises. M. A. Rashid

R.I.I.M.S., Massey University

What the paper is about?

Increasing role of ICT in SME’s

95% of businesses are SME’s.

NZ EC rates are low in comparison with other APEC countries.

Adoption rate is high but limited in commercial transactions.

Lack of knowledge by SME’s on EC potential.

Lack of guidance in implementation and perceived costs.

Most companies would use Internet/email and have a website but that’s the extent.

Strategies to adopt EC in SME’s, govt influence?

What did the author(s) do?

Based his observations on findings from a PWC extensive survey on SME’s. Also used Ministry of Commerce publications for commentary purposes. Major themes of paper:

EC and its role in SME.

EC rates in NZ.

Limitis to adoption.

Adoption traits.

Why did you choose this paper?

It is a NZ written article by a kiwi academic, shows direct relevance and interest. When searching the area focuses on large-scale businesses, this article appealed as it was on smaller business (like the majority of NZ businesses).

Was the paper was worth reading? Why (or why not)?

I found this paper quite interesting and some of the adoption traits where interesting. The factors that can influence EC adoption are very relevant. The paper was published in 2001, so it may be of some irrelevance now as im sure EC adoption is higher but none the less a good article.

Do you believe the results/findings or the paper? Why?

Yes I believe findings of the paper. They were based on surveys conducted by outside organisations, including NZ govt.

What form of research approach did the researchers follow?

Descriptive Research

Descriptive research tells "what is."

Do you feel that this was an appropriate approach? Why?

Yes as the resources used were reputable and up to date at the time of publish. Conducting empirical research could be a large task and difficult to administer in terms of finding the right industry focus group.

Title on the board.


What is a SME? What %? What is EC?

Example, restaurant.

What factors would hinder EC – mention the authors on board.

EC in NZ

A govt backed framework.

Why I choose, papers merits

Research approaches:

SOme interesting articles:
The future for direct retailing of travel and tourism products: the influence of information technology

Adoption of Information Technology in U.S. Hotels: Strategically Driven Objectives

Experience-based Travel